11617 Spring Cypress Rd. Bldg C Tomball, TX, 77377
Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

How to Trim Stubborn Fat with Tumescent Liposuction

Removing Hard-To-Reach Fat Pockets with the Help of Expert Professionals at New You Wellness Center in Tomball, Spring, and Houston, Texas

Shedding stubborn fat can be a grueling process. Despite attempts to increase exercise and maintain a strict diet, many individuals on their weight loss journey find themselves at a place of frustration when it comes to trimming inches in difficult areas. Even with laborious efforts in exercise and proper nutrition, the excess fat seems to resist, having a negative impact on morale, aesthetics, self-esteem, and overall optimized health.

If you’re on your own path to weight loss and have come face to face with this obstacle, you’re not alone. Furthering your weight loss accomplishments starts with the recognition of how, in many cases, removal of fat deposits in the lower abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, thighs, and neck requires extra, specialized intervention.

Enter tumescent liposuction.

What is Tumescent Liposuction?

Let’s start by taking a look at tumescent liposuction and how it’s used in the weight loss game. Liposuction continues to be recognized as one of the most common cosmetic procedures, sought after for its ability to help patients shed the fat that is otherwise resistant to effective diet and exercise.

Tumescent liposuction is a form of this procedure that, like the more traditional form of liposuction, works by reaching the residual fat deposits that lie between the skin and muscle. In other words, this procedure reaches and treats the unsightly fat pockets that are responsible for love handles, double chins, jiggly arms, muffin tops, and the like.

So what exactly sets this procedure apart from older forms of liposuction? Tumescent liposuction is considered a safer, more effective body-contouring procedure. Second to none when it comes to fat-trimming, tumescent liposuction utilizes a tube-like tool called a cannula and special suction device to reshape and restructure the challenging areas of the body. By relying on a local anesthetic and epinephrine solution to numb the area being treated and reduce the risk of bleeding, patients benefit from quicker recovery times, less pain, and elimination of the side-effects associated with general anesthesia.

How Does Tumescent Liposuction Trim Stubborn Fat?

Every tumescent liposuction procedure begins with a thorough consultation and assessment of the areas of concern. While each series of tumescent liposuction procedures is personalized according to the needs of the patient, the fat removal process is the same across the board.

A tumescent lipo procedure begins with the injection of a sterile solution into the treatment area. For example, if your procedure will focus on the removal of a fat pocket in the abdomen, the solution will be injected into that area. Upon injection, the numbing and vasoconstriction process will begin, contributing to a pain-free procedure with a reduced risk of bleeding. Included in the mixture are a local anesthetic, an epinephrine solution that constricts the blood vessels, and a saltwater component that aids in fat removal. This approach eliminates the need for general anesthesia, with which you’re put to sleep for the duration of the procedure. Once the area has been numbed, a small incision will be made. The cannula will be inserted and the suctioning process will begin. During suctioning, the fat cells and fluids contained in the area will be removed via the suctioning equipment.

This process creates the ideal body shape, restructuring and proportioning the area that harbored large fat cells.

Tumescent Liposuction at NYWC in Tomball, Houston, Spring, and Cypress, Texas

Do you need help trimming inches from stubborn areas? Have you tried a variety of diets and different approaches without success? Our wellness center in Tomball, Texas is committed to helping patients achieve their ideal body shape with the Tumescent Liposuction body-contouring procedure. Having performed hundreds of successful Tumescent Liposuction cases, Dr. Goffi commits himself to providing expert services that help patients move forward on the journey to optimized health and wellness.

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your areas of concern that have been resistant to proper exercise and nutrition. By crafting an individualized liposuction plan, we’ll provide you with the guidance and knowledge to achieving your ideal body shape. Call today to schedule your consultation or stop by our weight loss clinic in Tomball to meet our dedicated staff.

New You Wellness Center
Serving Tomball, Cypress, Spring, Houston, Texas

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