11617 Spring Cypress Rd. Bldg C Tomball, TX, 77377
Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Phentermine Guide: Everything you wanted to know

New You Wellness Center | Serving Tomball, Cypress, Spring, and Houston

What is Phentermine?

It’s no secret that the journey to weight loss is full of ups and downs, triumphs and challenges. When ample efforts are being put forth to lose weight, the use of clinically proven methods that can quicken the pace help individuals gain momentum on their journey to optimal health. As an appetite suppressant, phentermine hydrochloride is one of these methods that can make a positive impact and help patients get a jump start on their path to weight loss.

The drug works to reduce hunger by stimulating the hypothalamus gland in the brain. This area of the brain signals neurotransmitters to curb appetite, allowing patients to feel more satisfied after smaller meals. The effect phentermine has on physiological function facilitates quicker, more effective weight loss when used together with a healthy diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. With a suppressed appetite, patients have the opportunity to focus on diet adjustments and habits that can encourage positive, long-term changes in their health.

Incorporating phentermine safely and under the supervision of a health professional can help patients treat obesity and achieve their weight loss goals.

Benefits of Phentermine

Developing healthy, long-lasting habits encourages patients to not only lose weight but to keep it off as well. This lowers the health risks that can be influenced by obesity or being overweight.

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Gallstones
  • High cholesterol
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Depression
  • Colon, breast, and gallbladder cancers

Along with reducing the above risks that are associated with obesity, losing weight and moving forward on your health and wellness journey can encourage confidence, greater levels of energy, reduced pain, and an enhanced quality of life.

Phentermine at New You Wellness Center in Tomball

Determining whether or not phentermine is a good fit for you starts with a visit to our wellness center in Tomball, Texas. A thorough consultation with our team of expert health professionals will determine how phentermine can help you to optimize your health and find success on your journey to weight loss.

During a consultation, our team of medical professionals will review your medical history, discuss your goals and the challenges you’ve encountered along your path to weight loss, and support you by crafting a customized weight loss plan.

If phentermine is indicated, our wellness team will explain how the appetite suppressant will fit into your plan, and how it will work alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle, helping you achieve the greatest results.

Schedule Your Hormone Consultation with New You Wellness Center Today

Phentermine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is phentermine a stimulant?

Yes—phentermine stimulates the hypothalamus gland in the brain. Stimulating this gland signals a wave of neurotransmitters to reduce hunger, essentially making you feel more satisfied after consuming smaller portions.

Does phentermine help you lose weight?

When used safely and under the supervision of a health practitioner, phentermine is a great tool to help patients gain momentum in their weight loss journey. Used together with healthy habits and diet changes, phentermine can help patients lose weight and reverse the effects of obesity.

How does phentermine work?

Phentermine works by signaling neurotransmitters in the brain to reduce appetite and curb hunger. This allows patients to feel more satisfied after eating smaller portions. Because diet plays such a huge role in the weight loss journey, phentermine gives patients the opportunity to build and enforce healthy habits without having to deal with hunger pangs or an overzealous appetite.

Is phentermine safe?

Like any drug, taking phentermine should be done under the supervision and final approval of a health professional. A thorough consultation and evaluation that reviews your medical history will determine if phentermine is a good fit for you.

How long will I have to take phentermine pills?

Phentermine is not a permanent solution to weight loss, but a short-term solution that can help you gain momentum on your path to losing weight and optimizing your health. As with any other drug, phentermine should not be abused and should be used in conjunction with other weight loss methods, including exercise and a healthy diet.

What are the benefits of taking phentermine?

As an appetite suppressant, phentermine can help individuals on their journey to weight loss. Because obesity opens the door for an array of other health problems, the safe use of phentermine under medical supervision can help patients move away from other health-related risks.

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