PRP Injections for Hip Pain

Serving Tomball, Spring, Cypress and NW Houston.

Get to the root of your hip pain, without surgery, awakening your body’s ability to regenerate.

As a major weight-bearing joint of the body, the hip plays an important role in numerous activities throughout our day to day lives. It’s for this reason that the healthy and proper functioning of the joint and each of its components are so important. If you’re suffering from hip pain, the first step on the journey to relief begins with understanding the various parts of the joint and what they do to facilitate fluid motion.

The hip joint is found where the femur meets the pelvis. As the body’s largest ball and socket joint, it’s responsible for lots of multi-directional movement and rotation. The major bones involved as well as the location of the joint itself make it a primary weight-bearing joint, capable of providing incredibly essential strength and stability for the body. Along with the adjoining femur and pelvis, the hip is made up of several tendons and muscles that play a role in keeping the joint secure. Also vital for the health of the joint is cartilage, which helps prevent friction when movement takes place. Because of the hip, basic movements like standing and walking, or more complex movements like running and climbing, are all possible.

The joint’s high level of involvement with these repeated movements also means that it’s more susceptible to damage. With time and repetitive motion, cartilage can wear down, muscles can get overused, and falls can take place causing damage to the surrounding bone or soft tissue. Actions requiring a high level of intensity can also lead to injury that can cause fractures, tears, or muscle strains. Each of these can lead to hip pain that makes even the most basic movements painful and difficult. When pain and discomfort become synonymous with your hip joint, looking to the root of the pain is the best way to facilitate healing and relief. At New You Stem Cell Center, we’re dedicated to tackling the pain at its source and using the body’s own natural healing process to promote relief and repair.

Conditions of the Hip Joint That Can Cause Pain

While arthritis and falls are common causes of hip pain, they are joined by numerous others that can lead to varying degrees of pain in the joint. From muscle strains brought on by sports-related injuries to the overused cartilage that makes movement and rotation painful, there are a number of conditions that correspond to damaged bones and tissue, leading to pain within the joint. Below is a list of common conditions:

  • Osteonecrosis
  • Muscle Strain
  • Tendon Strain
  • Hip Labral Tear
  • Bursitis
  • Hip Fracture
  • Posterior Hip Tendinopathy
  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
  • Tendonitis of the Posterior Hip
  • Soft Tissue Injury
  • Hip Joint Arthritis

New You Wellness Center
Serving Tomball, Cypress, Spring, Houston, Texas

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How PRP Can Help with Hip Pain

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is an emerging treatment option that addresses pain at the source. While many pain-causing conditions are typically treated with cortisone injections, pain medications, or surgery, these treatment types are often met with adverse reactions and long recovery times, and provide only temporary relief for painful conditions of the joint. PRP treatments, on the other hand, are being acknowledged for their ability to stimulate repair of damaged tissue and encourage long-term healing.

Platelet-rich plasma contains a high concentration of potent growth factors that, when injected into an affected area, stimulate regrowth of lost and damaged tissue. Whether the damage resides within the tendons, ligaments, muscles, or cartilage, the injected substance rushes to the troubled area, while stimulating other repairing cells to do the same. With the capacity to develop into specialized cells that are needed in the damaged joint, the recruited stem cells then begin working with the growth proteins to rebuild or repair what has been lost or broken. While this is the body’s natural response to damage or trauma, PRP provides resources that quicken the pace and intensify the reaction, making the rebuilding process faster and more powerful.

A stem cell activation procedure such as this one gets to pain at the source, acting as a long-term solution to numerous conditions and diseases of the joint.

Symptoms Associated with Hip-Related Conditions

Those suffering from hip-related conditions and diseases may experience a wide range of associated symptoms. While some patients may feel mostly referred pain, others may only experience pain upon movement within the joint itself. Though symptoms vary and the degree of pain felt depends on each patient and condition being assessed, many individuals suffering from hip-related conditions may experience any or several of the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort in the Thigh, Groin, or Buttocks Regions
  • Discomfort in the Hip Region
  • Pain Inside the Hip Joint
  • Pain Outside the Hip Joint
  • Limping
  • Reduced Movement in the Hip Joint
  • Referred Pain
  • Pain in the Leg When Applying Weight
  • Pain When Walking
  • Stiffness
  • Inflammation

If you or anyone you know is experiencing hip pain or other symptoms associated with hip-related injuries or diseases, our team at New You in Tomball, Texas is ready to carry you towards healing and a pain-free lifestyle.

Time and time again, we have watched our patients find long-term relief with PRP and stem cell treatments. Those that have experienced joint pain will agree on its ability to impede on quality of life. Utilizing stem cell activation and stem cell therapies take on pain at the source, providing the body with the resources it needs to repair itself and achieve long-term healing. Call today for a free consultation where we will assess your needs and get you started on your journey to relief.
Schedule Your Consultation at New You Wellness Center Today!