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Weight Loss Hacks: Easy Ways to Lose Weight Starting Today

When it comes to losing weight, the journey can be intimidating. Having a handful of healthy habits that can be easily and quickly incorporated into daily life can make all the difference in achieving weight loss goals. We’ve learned that the key to making huge strides on our weight loss journey lies in transforming our habits into routines that encourage a healthy lifestyle. Below are a series of weight loss hacks that you can start today with the goal of building a long-term routine that promotes successful, healthy living.

12 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

  1. Stay Motivated by Rewarding Yourself—The first of the weight loss hacks is purely psychological. Giving yourself credit for even the smallest successes can encourage forward momentum and help you stay motivated on your path to weight loss. As one of the simplest weight loss hacks, incorporating positive reinforcement seems like a no-brainer. However, it is too often forgotten as we embark on the journey to reaching a healthy weight. Start by setting small, achievable, healthy lifestyle goals and give yourself a pat on the back once they’re accomplished. Reward yourself with something you enjoy such as a massage, new piece of workout equipment, or a fun activity that gets your blood pumping.
  2. Get a Good Night’s Rest—Though a good night’s sleep and weight loss may not seem to be directly related, studies show that less sleep leads to higher cortisol levels, which can have a negative effect on your metabolic rate. It’s important that your metabolism is functioning at optimum levels when it comes to weight loss. Encourage a consistent night’s rest with a routine. If a good night’s sleep isn’t easy to come by, try incorporating a warm bath, deep breathing, or essential oils to relax before hitting the hay.
  3. Walk When You Can—Another important weight loss hack is all about making the intentional effort to get in as much walking as possible. This may look like opting for the parking space that’s farther away, taking a lap around the office every half hour, or choosing more outdoor, walking-friendly activities. Life get’s busy, but incorporating small pockets of activity add up and can help rev up your metabolism and get your body working in your favor.
  4. Always Eat Before You Shop—Busy days that require us to be out and about for hours on end can be some of the most difficult to make wise, healthy choices. The stress of running errands or scratching things off the to-do list often translate to grabbing the quickest, most convenient lunch. However, avoiding fast food and opting for fresher snacks is another easy way to lose weight and gain momentum on your weight loss journey. Make sure to eat a sizeable, nutrient-rich meal before starting your day, and to pack fruit, sliced veggies, or low-sugar granola, healthy fats probably better… healthy snacks. to enjoy when the munchies kick in.
  5. Drink More Water—Staying hydrated is one of the simplest weight loss hacks out there. Opting for water at mealtimes can help you cut down on the calories and help you feel more satisfied more quickly, reducing the risk of over-eating. The standard rule of thumb is to every day, drink half your body weight in ounces. Following this rule and consuming water throughout the day can help you fend off hunger pangs and promote feelings of fullness that help you avoid mindless snacking. Leo: Add table with sample body weights for men and women, taking ounces to glasses of water.
  6. Pack Lunch After Dinner—Preparing the next day’s lunch after dinner as the next weight loss hack guarantees you don’t mindlessly overpack. When our bodies are satisfied after a meal, we are less likely to pack oversized portions, extra snacks, or unnecessary junk that our bodies crave during a more vulnerable, hungry state. We are also more likely to be mindful of packing purely nutritious options that can encourage healthy eating habits.
  7. Meal Prep. Meal Prep. Meal Prep—If you’ve ever used a tiring, stressful day as an excuse to order in or pick up something quick, you are not alone. Prepping for meals can help keep us in line on those busier days with pre-prepared options that we can quickly assemble with little effort once we step through the door. Try roasting a chicken, chopping some veggies, or cooking a large crock pot meal on a designated “meal prep” day that can be dispersed throughout the week.
  8. Incorporate More Soup and Fiber—Our meal prep tip leads us to the next easy weight loss hack – consuming more soup and fiber-rich foods. As a simple option, soup is a great addition to any weekly meal prep and can be made in a variety of ways so it never grows old. While the soup is a fantastic, low-calorie option, fiber-dense foods are great for regulating the body’s use of sugars, keeping hunger at bay and helping us feel fuller longer. Go for the green to up your fiber intake, opting for foods like brussels sprouts, pears, broccoli, split peas, or avocado. Another easy way to increase fiber is to whip up a soup complete with beans and lentils.
  9. Practice Portion Control—Consuming more calories than you burn, especially from unhealthy foods, can lead to problems with your digestive system, difficulty sleeping, and unwanted weight gain. Begin keeping measuring cups and spoons on hand to measure out the appropriate portion size that’s indicated on the nutrition label. This weight loss hack will also help you develop a deeper connection and feel more responsible for what you’re consuming, which can help facilitate wiser choices and better habits.
  10. Track Your Progress—Another weight loss hack is all about keeping track of how much you’re eating. This is a big step to take on your journey to weight loss and can make a huge difference in developing healthy eating practices. Practicing portion control keeps you in the know of how much you’re consuming and allows greater ease when trying to track calories. Consider using a goal-setting, calorie-tracking app or journal to help you monitor your progress and keep you accountable.
  11. Keep Your Kitchen Clutter-Free—Believe it or not, clean living can often be connected to clean eating. Keeping your countertops free of clutter can give you the encouragement you need to enjoy the space and prepare fresh food options throughout the week. Carry the clutter-free mentality to the fridge as well, placing the vibrantly-colored, nutrient-rich, pre-portioned options at the front of the fridge. By showcasing the healthiest options towards the front, they’ll be the first things you see when you open up the fridge, making them the most likely you’ll grab.
  12. Know Your Triggers—Our final weight loss hack may take a while to master, but it is definitely one of the most crucial. Overeating or indulging in unhealthy foods is often stress-induced. Knowing what triggers you and when you are more likely to reach for the junk food can help you avoid the indulgence and move towards better stress-relief options. If you find yourself reaching for the bag of chips or chocolate cake when you’re stressed at work, recognize the moment and go for a walk or practice deep breathing. If a long, exhausting day finds you pulling through the first drive-thru, treat yourself to a workout class or stroll through the park with a calming cup of tea. It will take discipline, but the long-term habit changes will put you on the right track to achieving your weight loss goals.

Do you need help to lose weight? Have you tried many different diets and approaches on your own without lasting success? If you leave in the Tomball, Spring, Cypress or Houston areas, check out our Medical Weight Loss Plan.

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